Friday, April 18, 2008

The Fight For Women's Rights Begins With Awareness part 5

It is a common for many people to believe that this type of act against women doesn't happen often and when it does, the victim must have done something to cause the behavior. It's mythical beliefs like this in our culture that prevent any further change to be made in women's lives.

This way of thinking may be brought about because of the lack of knowledge of the history of women's suffrage. Women in the United States don't realize that the opportunities and freedom they enjoyed today only began 88 years ago. They fail to acknowledge that were it not for feminism, women would not have the same life that they live today. Upon being asked when women were give the right to vote, the college student response was, "Wow, I have no idea, I'm too embarrassed to guess. I think I remember briefly learning about this in elementary school but I don't know... It's just hard for me to imagine that there was time that we weren't able to vote." There are countless rights that many feminist throughout the years have worked hard for and sadly, the majority of women in our society take them for granted and just assume they've always been there. Just to name a few, feminist have earned women the right to vote, to use birth control, to have a career, to participate in sports, to have an abortion, and to receive a higher education. Already, the blindness towards the accomplishments for women's right, contributes to the diminishing number of activist for equality and justice for women. Without people to support a cause, the cause itself will become lost. Women need to be educated about the history of their rights in order to appreciate them. They need be aware that there is still a lot of work to be done and it's not going to be obtained by itself. If we can bring about that awareness and make our society knowledgeable to the truth about feminism and the fact that most of us are feminists, the fight for women's rights just might see it's end.

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