Friday, April 18, 2008

The Fight For Women's Rights Begins With Awareness part 5

It is a common for many people to believe that this type of act against women doesn't happen often and when it does, the victim must have done something to cause the behavior. It's mythical beliefs like this in our culture that prevent any further change to be made in women's lives.

This way of thinking may be brought about because of the lack of knowledge of the history of women's suffrage. Women in the United States don't realize that the opportunities and freedom they enjoyed today only began 88 years ago. They fail to acknowledge that were it not for feminism, women would not have the same life that they live today. Upon being asked when women were give the right to vote, the college student response was, "Wow, I have no idea, I'm too embarrassed to guess. I think I remember briefly learning about this in elementary school but I don't know... It's just hard for me to imagine that there was time that we weren't able to vote." There are countless rights that many feminist throughout the years have worked hard for and sadly, the majority of women in our society take them for granted and just assume they've always been there. Just to name a few, feminist have earned women the right to vote, to use birth control, to have a career, to participate in sports, to have an abortion, and to receive a higher education. Already, the blindness towards the accomplishments for women's right, contributes to the diminishing number of activist for equality and justice for women. Without people to support a cause, the cause itself will become lost. Women need to be educated about the history of their rights in order to appreciate them. They need be aware that there is still a lot of work to be done and it's not going to be obtained by itself. If we can bring about that awareness and make our society knowledgeable to the truth about feminism and the fact that most of us are feminists, the fight for women's rights just might see it's end.

The Fight For Women's Rights Begins With Awareness part 4

How Misconceptions and Unawareness Effects the Fight for Women's Rights

Unfortunately, these opinions are not uncommon among today's society and it has a tremendous affect on the effort to gain women's rights. Women are afraid of being called a lesbian, a man hater, or a woman who hates motherhood as seen by the responses by the women above. This fear holds women back from expressing their concerns for women's right and prevents them from taking action. When the college student was asked whether or not her opinion of feminism had been changed she said, "I feel naive and, I guess, a little immature about my original opinion. After learning what it stands for, I think it's sad that most people have it all wrong. I don't know one girl that believes she isn't equal to a guy, but I think they'd be surprised that what they believe in actually does make them a feminist." If people were informed about the true beliefs of feminism more and more people would join the cause, thus leading to a better chance of improvement in women's lives.

Awareness about feminism is not the only change in society that should be made in order

for women's rights to prosper. Most women today still face a great deal of prejudice but fail to

see it. In the work force, most women are not taken seriously and fail to become promoted to

high level positions even though they are completely capable. Even the study of health care is

still focused primarily on men, regardless to the fact that women's reaction to medicines differ

because of the their genetic make up. The most common form of intolerance against women is

gender violence. While there are laws against this type of crime, many people are unaware of

the situation, unless they experience themselves.

The Fight For Women's Rights Begins With Awareness part 3

One of the most common absurdities towards feminist is that they are all lesbians, also called lesbian baiting. This type of false information was developed to discourage women from taking part in the fight for women's rights and keeping them in line. As intended, this unfortunate myth makes women afraid to label themselves as a feminist. Proof of this is shown when a 65 year old, conservative grandmother was asked if she would call herself a feminist:

Grandmother: "No, I would not. I don't agree with a lot of the morals that being involved

with feminism represents."

Interviewer: "What's one of the morals you don't agree with?"

Wilson 4

Grandmother: "Well, for one, because of my faith I believe it's a sin for a woman to be in a romantic relationship with another woman. I believe that God intended women to be with men and men to be with women."

Obviously, this woman has been socially constructed into believing that all feminist are homosexual. This opinion is far from true, however, it is important to remember that feminism itself does not believe that being homosexual is wrong. However, while conservative feminist disagree with homosexuality, most feminist support the choice to choose to love someone of the same or opposite sex.

Another preposterous belief about the women who dare to call themselves feminists is that they look down upon other women who choose to raise children and take part in motherhood. Again, it is obvious that this universal misconception turns people away from being associated with feminism. We can see it's affect when the grandmother interviewed above was asked to explain another reason she considered herself to be against feminism:

Interviewer: "What other opinions do you disagree with that feminism supports?"

Grandmother: "Well for one, it's not just what they agree with, it's what they disagree with too."

Interviewer: "And what would that be?"

Grandmother: "Feminist condemn women who choose to live the life of a mother. I raised four children and sacrificed a lot for each and every one of them. They were, and still are, my pride and joy and I will not support a cause that thinks it's a disgrace that I enjoyed being a mother."

In actuality, feminists do not criticize women who choose to have children. In fact, one of their
goals is to make life better for those who want to experience motherhood by improving the
conditions in which they raise their children. (Shaw 16)

The Fight For Women's Rights Begins With Awareness part 2

The Myths of Feminism Unraveled

Regrettably, the negative view of feminism is not uncommon among most of the population in the United States. When a college student from Memphis was asked to describe a feminist her response was, "A butch woman who hates men and bitches about them all the time." Later she was asked a series of questions and was in disbelief upon learning that she was actually a feminist herself:

Interviewer: "Do you believe that women should be below, above, or on the same level as men?"

College Student: "On the same level."

Interviewer: "Do you believe inequality and injustice in women's lives is acceptable?"

College Student: "Of course not."

Interviewer: "So you believe it should be eliminated?"

College Student: "Yes."

Interviewer: "What would your reaction be if I told you that by having this belief, it means you are a feminist?"

College Student: "A little surprised I guess, I don't know. Anytime I've thought of someone being a feminist the picture that always comes to my mind is an angry lesbian. I'd be a little embarrassed to tell someone because everyone I know shares the same reaction that I've had."

Anyone who has a positive view towards women and their achievements and are against

oppression against them is considered a feminist.

There are many types of feminists out there, but only few somewhat fit the common
stereotype. One part of the image problem feminists experience is that they all hate men. While they're may be some out there that do share this hatred, the larger part of the group does not. In fact, it is safe to say that most feminists are in relationships with men and some are even men themselves. "Nonetheless, the man-hating myth works to prevent many women who want to be in relationships with men from claiming feminism." (Shaw 15) When the student was asked what her friends would say if she were to reveal to them that she was a feminist she said, "Hah, well they'd make fun of me and probably suggest that I should go to a bra burning rally, or something." It's very sad that people, like the college student interviewed above, are embarrassed to call themselves a feminist because of ridiculous misconceptions like these. The same affect is seen with the belief that women who claim to be feminists want to be a man. These sexist are nothing but absurd and they only continue to hurt the image of feminism. People who call themselves a feminist encourage women to fight for the same amount of power that men possess and the value the importance of being woman.

The Fight For Women's Rights Begins With Awareness part 1

When the subject of feminism is brought up in a conversation in today's society, the reaction from most people is not so pleasant. "It is declared that feminists hate men or want to be like men and selfishly want to create new systems of power over men; all feminist are said to be lesbians, women who choose romantic relationships with other women; and feminists are said to reject motherhood, consider children a burden, and have rejected all things feminine." (Shaw 14) Most women, and even men, are surprised to learn that they, in fact, are feminist and are oblivious to contributions feminists have made towards women's every day lives. Unfortunately, this has devastating effects towards the effort of demolishing inequality that women are faced with. The majority of men, and even women themselves, don't realize that it was only 88 years ago that women gained the right to vote and that the fight for women's rights is far from over. This lack of education about women's rights today and the almost nonexistence of appreciation towards the rights women that we as women have only had since 1920, makes any type of progress for women to have equal opportunities almost impossible. No problem can ever be solved without someone first being aware that there is one. If we want to succeed in obtaining rights and equality for women, we must enlighten today's society and help them become knowledgeable that the battle is not over.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Character Sketch of Myself

Part of a psychology journal I had to do this week was to write a character sketch about myself. With input from close friends and the person who knows me best (me!), this is what I came up with.

Macon "reacts to a different brain frequency than the rest of human population." If you do not understand the previous statement then you will not understand Macon, mainly because these are her own words. Macon strives to always analyze, rationalize, and imagine new ideas throughout her life. She's very creative but always has some type of logic holding her ideas together. In public she will keep to herself and will rarely do anything to attract your attention. But behind the cute seemingly harmless face is a constantly alert, calculating super-computer brain. She is fascinated with the human mind and so she observes but does not speak. Thoughts fly by in her stock ticker like cerebellum. She weighs all opportunities and possibilities carefully and vigilantly. Often she makes great decisions and fascinating educated theories because of this. Macon is very curious and often she has many questions. Unfortunately, upon asking one question she will have so many thoughts flooding her brain that she will be reminded of other questions and ask three more all at once, which inevitably leads to forgetting her initial question. Macon is very trust worthy and well informed. She checks the weather station religiously and has found a healthy interest in recent events. Macon must always be aware of her surroundings. She does not like to be in unfamiliar places, only those places that are inhabited or visited with the friends and family that she loves. When in strange places she can become irritated and when accompanied by new faces she may become hostile. While with those who she is most familiar she is down right wacky and impulsive. She bursts out in what could only be called chants, repeating popular catch phrases from popular culture and ads she has seen on television when you least expect it. Because of her hectic schedule her favorite thing to do is sit, relax, read, and let her over productive mind carry her off to imaginative world that is locked away in her noggin.

Paper part 2

Claudia Taylor, a teacher at Harlem Village Academy located in New York, says "I’m tired of making decisions about whether or not I can afford to go to a movie on a Friday night when I work literally 55 hours a week. It’s very frustrating. I’m feeling like I either have to leave New York City or leave teaching, because I don’t want to have a roommate at 30 years old." (3) This injustice towards the careers in the field of education is felt all around the United States and is one of the biggest factors that contributes to failing schools. Without a salary that equally matches the importance of the job, qualified teachers will continue to become scarce and teachers already employed will eventually loose their motivation and passion due to the harsh realities of life.

In order to improve Memphis City Schools, and schools across the nation, a big change will be needed in the teaching force. We need to attract and encourage more people with high teaching potential to become part of the meaningful and important field of education. Effective teachers currently employed must some how be convinced to not seek different careers and these teachers must be persuaded to lend their expertise in areas with disadvantaged kids. The methods teachers use most include consistent use of practices that are likely to increase student achievement. Such practices must move beyond basic skills such as, reading, writing, listening, and speaking because they are no longer enough to succeed in a academic career. Critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, responsibility, sociability, and self-management are all skills and qualities that need to be integrated in the teaching system to boost students achievement and prepare them for life after school. If we were to increase the salaries of teachers in Memphis, and everywhere in the U.S, motivation and passion would be restored in the education system. This would provide the encouragement we need to entice qualified teachers back into the profession while adding ambition into the class rooms that is needed to improve student accomplishment.

A new charter school in Washington Heights, set to open in 2009, is putting into practice the theory that teacher quality is the crucial ingredient for success. (3) The school is planning to pay teachers $125,000 a year, almost two and a half times the national average teacher salary. The school plans to allow 120 students to attend, mostly from low income families, with as many as seven teachers. This school will be one of the most anticipated educational experiments in the country. If it succeeds, the pressure for cities and teachers' unions to make substantial changes to the way in which teachers are paid in traditional public schools will be great. “'This is an approach that has not been tried in this way in American education, and it opens up a slew of fascinating opportunities,' said Frederick M. Hess, director of education policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute. 'That $125,000 figure could have a catalytic effect.'” (3)

Paper part 1

At least 24,470 schools in the United States are failing to meet the federal requirements set by President Bush's No Child Left Behind law. Contributing to this unacceptable number of deficient schools are many struggling educational institutions in the city of Memphis. There are a vast amount of factors that assist to the serious problem of failing schools including poverty and the lack of parenteral involvement. However, no matter what the underlying problem is, there's one thing that everyone agrees is vital to prosperous schools, great teaching. "It's not only intuition that tells us that teachers matter; research shows that teachers have a greater impact on student achievement than any other educational factor." (1) The children in America are our future leaders of the world and teachers are crucial to their success. If the children are our the future, it only seems logical that their mentors should be fully qualified for the job and are paid justly. Unfortunately, this is not the case in Memphis or in other areas of the country. For example, nationwide figures from 2006 show that middle school teachers make an average $49,470 a year compared to an Orthodontists who make an average of $176,900. Surely the ones that are responsible for building the future leaders of the world their foundation of knowledge should be provided with a better income than the ones that put metal on teeth for superficial purposes. Given the choice between crooked teeth or being illiterate, I don't think it's hard to figure out which is more important.

It’s no secret that people aspire for high paying jobs. When forced to choose between a career involving your passion with a low salary or a high paying job that you’ll hate the rest of your life, sadly most practical people choose the later. “Due to low salaries, little professional support, and poor working conditions, impoverished schools and school districts are likely to employ the most inexperienced teachers as well as suffer from the highest teacher-attrition rates.”(2) Why would someone choose to work at a demanding ball-buster career, such as teaching, that requires an extreme amount of dedication when the pay is lower than a librarian's yearly salary (3)? Some of those who choose the profession of teaching, despite the ridiculous low pay, find themselves struggling to make ends meet.

Monday, April 7, 2008

I get a little crazy while watching games like these...

Even though we didn't win tonight I could not be more proud of my Tigers! We could have won the game, but I still think in the end we were outstanding. Just to going to the championships was so exciting, especially when everyone said we wouldn't make it past the sweet sixteen! But man! That game was just too intense for me! I'm unfortunately a naturally uptight person and this game had me worrying for my poor little heart because I felt so stressed out just watching the game! I made a complete fool out of myself whenever we'd be on a roll and I'd act even more stupid whenever Kansas was doing well. I think I did a little damage to some pillows when we first lost the lead in the first half and then I somehow ended up in a weird yoga/Indian style position convincing myself that my mind could will the Tigers to win (and we made one point while I was doing that! Although I stopped after we missed the next three shots haha). I followed up with a a lot of loud inappropriate cursing that was accompanied by shocked looks and worries that I was going to have a nervous breakdown before the game even ended! haha At one point when we had regained the lead I jumped off the couch and yelled "I LOVE LIFE!!!!" and then my heart was crushed when we went into overtime. So yeah... games this close with the Tigers bring out the very weird in me with probably more stress than the players themselves experience. I've been a huge Tigers fan all my life but I don't think I've ever been so pumped up for a game! Hours before it even started I was sitting out in my car switching the stations until I found someone playing the Eye of the Tiger hahaha (deffinetly not a song I choose to listen to normally) Even though we didn't win and I still have to go to some classes, I'm still so proud of my Tigers!